The Osmium Violin meets CCS Photostudio
Claus Comelli-Stuckenfeld & DI Kurt Assam do a professional product photo shoot of the Osmium Violin in Carinthia.
Photographer: Claus Comelli-Stuckenfeld - Location: Photostudio Keutschach/Carinthia © 2024 by Osmium-ART©
The Osmium Violin meets BlockAndWine/Austria
The Osmium violin was exhibited at the BlockAndWine Gala in Vienna. Among others the young 22 year old violinist talent Paul Kropfitsch played the Osmium Violin.
Photographer: Michael Schramm - Location: Wexelerate/Vienna © 2023 by Osmium-ART©
The Osmium Violin meets Novak Djokovic Foundation/Belgrad
It was a unique, amazing event organized by the Djokovic Foundation in the venerable premises of the Geozavod. The project team around Jelena Djokovic, Maja Kremić, Mr. Miljan Lazetić and Mr. Alex Grubin did a really magnificent job.
We are very grateful and proud that we were able to present the most precous new violin in the world in Belgrade/Serbia. The wonderful man and exceptional violinist Stefan Milenkovich played the Osmium Violin for the first time in Serbia, first alone and then with his best students Tefil Milenkovic, Lana Zorjan, Olivera Mitrovic, Sofija Glavicic and Andrijana Durmisevic.
Photographer: Dalibor.M. Danilovic - Location: Geozavod-Belgrade e cooperative/Serbia © 2023 by Osmium-ART©
The Osmium Violin meets The Brand Gala/Frankfurt
The Osmium violin was exhibited at the Brand Gala in Frankfurt. The "Brand Gala" in Frankfurt is considered one of the most important events in the marketing industry in Germany. The best brands are presented and awarded at the Night of the Brands. The event with up to 600 guests is considered a unique gala evening event, the most entertaining celebration of brands and business in Germany.
Photographer: Grossaufnahmen.de - Location: Brand Gala Frankfurt © 2023 by Osmium-ART©
The Osmium Violin meets Djokovic Foundation/Vienna
First meeting and initial interview in Vienna with Managing Director Mr. Robert Nedelkovic from Post Austria Systemlogistik and the head of the projet team Mr. Miljan Lazetić and Mr. Alex Grubin from the Novak Djokovic Foundation.
We enjoyed a great lunch at Landgasthof Muhr and discussed details.
The exceptional violinist Stefan Milenkovic will play "The Osmium Violin" for the first time in Serbia.
Foto: TANJUG/ TARA RADOVANOVIĆ / Claus Comelli - Stuckenfeld / Bruno Bebert / Bestimage / Profimedia
Photographer: DI Kurt Assam - Location: Landgasthof Muhr/Niederösterreich © 2023 by Osmium-ART©
The Osmium Violin & Jenny release & press conference/Taggenbrunn
Press conference with the world premiere of the song and video "Peace" by Jenny Gheorghita with the Osmium Violin in the beautiful Taggenbrunn Castle.
Photographer: Claus Comelli-Stuckenfeld - Location: Castle Taggenbrunn/Carinthia © 2023 by Osmium-ART©
The Osmium Violin meets Seoul
The Osmium Violin made a brief stopover in South Korea. It was an exciting time and also an honor to be able to exhibit the world's most precoius new violin in Seoul during our world tour.
© 2023 by Osmium-ART©
The Osmium Violin meets INTERGREM/Idar Oberstein
The Osmium Violin visit the great Intergem in Idar Oberstein/Germany fair for precious gemstones and metals. We also had the pleasure of welcoming Bernd Munsteiner, one of the most famous gemstone cutters in the world at the trade fair.
Photographer: Vincent Dommer - Location: INTERGEM/Idar Oberstein © 2023 by Osmium-ART©
The Osmium Violin meets Mondomusica/Cremona
20.000 visitors came to the world's largest musical instrument fair and marvelled at the world's most precoius new violin live in Italy for the first time.
Photographer: DI Kurt Assam - Location: Mondomusica/Cremona © 2023 by Osmium-ART©
The Osmium Violin meets Jackson Hole/Wyoming
The world's most precious new violin made a brief stop on its world tour in North America. Mimi Scofield and Ariel Loveland played the violin first time in the USA.
Photographer: Jeannine Rodriguez - Location: Jackson Hole Fall Arts Festival © 2023 by Osmium-ART©
The Osmium Violin meets Taggenbrunn
Jenny Gheoghita cover shooting with the most precoius new violin in the world for the next CD "PEACE".
Photographer: Claus Comelli-Stuckenfeld - Location: Castle Taggenbrunn/Carinthia © 2023 by Osmium-ART©
The Osmium Violin meets Taggenbrunn
Jenny Gheoghita video shooting with the most valuable new violin in the world for the next CD "PEACE.
Photographer: Claus Comelli-Stuckenfeld - Location: Castle Taggenbrunn/Carinthia © 2023 by Osmium-ART©
The Osmium Violin meets Moshbit & Ownerchip
Meeting with the CEO Founder Julius Kainz from Moshbit and the CEO & CO Founder Michael Schramm from Ownerchip from Vienna.
Photographer: DI Kurt Assam/Julian Kainz - Location: Joanneumring 3 © 2023 by Osmium-ART©
The Osmium Violin meets USP Enterprises
Jenny Gheorghita recording with the world's most precious new violin in the USB Enterprises recording studio in Southern Styria.
Photographer: DI Kurt Assam - Location: USP Enterprises Recording studio/Oisnitz © 2023 by Osmium-ART©
The Osmium Violin meets CCS Photostudio
Claus Comelli-Stuckenfeld & DI Kurt Assam do a professional product photo shoot of the Osmium Violin in Carinthia.
Photographer: Claus Comelli-Stuckenfeld - Location: Photostudio Keutschach/Carinthia © 2023 by Osmium-ART©
The Osmium Violin meets Castle Rosegg
First meeting with the Violinist Jenny Gheorghita, she did a photo-shooting with the Osmium Violin at castle Rosegg in carinthia.
Photographer: Claus Comelli-Stuckenfeld - Location: Castle Rosegg/Carinthia © 2023 by Osmium-ART©
The Osmium Violin meets Klagenfurt
Elena Denisova played this beautiful violin officially for the first time at the 22. WoertherSee classics festival in front of an exclusive audience with beautiful pieces by Kreisler "Love's sorrow & love's joy".
Photographer: VOGUS - Location: WoertherSee Classics Festival/Carinthia© 2023 by Osmium-ART©
The Osmium Violin meets Maribor
Oksana Pečeny played this beautiful violin officially for the first time in Maribor in in the SNG -Nationaltheater in front of an exclusive audience. It was an amazing performance.
Location: Kazinska-Room - Location: SNG Nationtheater/Maribor © 2023 by Osmium-ART©
The Osmium Violin meets Vienna
Elena Denisova played this beautiful violin officially for the first time in front of an exclusive audience with a piece by J. S. Bach Ciaccona (from the Partita in D minor).
Photographer: Christian Husar - Location: Headquarter Post AG at Rochus/Vienna © 2023 by Osmium-ART©
DI Kurt ASSAM, 8010 Graz/Austria
T: +43 676 40 420 40